LSM is energetic. We operate under the concept of One Health bringing connection of microorganisms, human health, animal health, food safety among others. We aim to provide the essential microbiology laboratory services eventually to achieve the ultimate goal of the establishment of strategies for disease detection and prevention.
In the area for food safety, our team of professionals work with passion to bring the message of food safety to everyone, everywhere. Our mission is to promote healthy living and well-being by increasing awareness of food hygiene and safety. In the field of diagnostic microbiology, our team of experienced Hong Kong registered medical laboratory technologists is offering a high standard diagnostic microbiology services in terms of quality in testing procedure, culture interpretation and antimicrobial susceptibility test. To fight against antimicrobial resistance is the core element under One Health umbrella and this is why LSM is here to serve.
In terms of our vision, LSM works under the concept of "One Health". We work for customers, but we also work for the earth. Food safety contributes to the principle of "One Health". Unsafe food increases the health burden on individuals as well as the wider healthcare system. Microorganisms in food can cause infection, and these microorganisms can come from various areas including domesticated and wild animals, the environment, and humans. These microorganisms may evolve, mutate, gain antimicrobial resistance and eventually become a threat to the healthcare system. Being a microbiology laboratory, LSM has the responsibility to help develop future strategies for disease detection and prevention.
Service providing: food testing, clinical microbiology services, antimicrobial susceptibility test services, Hong Kong.
LSM Laboratory offer clinical microbiology services by our Clinical Microbiology Department to local medical laboratories and clinic in the area of:UrinalysisUrine culture and sensitivity testRoutine culture and sensitivity test with Gram smear interpretationAnaerobic culture and sensitivity test wi...

Depends on the type of food, different types of microbiological analysis is necessary. Aerobic colony count (ACC/APC), hygiene indicator organisms like E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae are those which are commonly employed in food hygiene programme. LSM laboratory provides food testing services for...
MRSA is everywhere! Skin, environment, and even your lovely pets! According to the 2018 statistic from CHP, HKSAR, community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection had reached a total number of 1220。Although MRSA infection is usually limited to skin infection, the b...

According to a survey done in the US in 2014 (DOI: 10.1128/JCM.00382-15), only 16% of upper respiratory tract viral infection were due to influenza A virus. RSV, rhinovirus, enterovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus are among the remaining cause of URTI. We may notice that people are more aware of influe...