Highly infectious Norovirus!


Norovirus is a highly infectious virus transmitted through vomits, feaces, and can deposit on surface and transmit to other people. Contaminated food and water is also vechicle of transmission of this virus. Infections occurs mainly in winter time. Symptoms of infection include diarrhoeae, vomitting and minor fever. If you and your family member had these symptoms, please seek medical advice and a laboratory test maybe required to confirm diagnosis. The disease is usually mild and can be self recovered. Patient should stay home, practising good personal hygiene and home hygiene, and symptoms may gone in three or more days.

An outbreak of norovirus just happened in the US affecting more than 500 people. Those got infected had been visiting one of the two restaurant which is suspected to be the source of infection. Not sure whether the virus is spread from the a restaurant worker or a customer but this outbreak shows the infective power of this norovirus!