A health condition in almost every women!
A health condition in almost every women!
Vaginitis is a health condition in which almost every women will come across once in a life time. It is a simple and common disease but if left unattended, serious complication may be resulted.
Different form of vaginitis are caused by different agents. Bacterial vaginosis is a form of vaginitis resulted in an imbalance distribution of normal vaginal flora. This related to a change in pH of the vaginal secretion from acidic environment to a more alkaline environment. The normal flora, mostly Lactobacillus, are inhibited by increased pH, thus flavour the growth of other bacteria which lead to a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Hormonal change, frequently sexual activities, pregnancy, antibiotic use are some of the common factor lead to the development of the disease. Thickened vaginal secretion is generally the main symptom. Laboratory diagnosis maybe performed to estimate the proportion of different kind of bacteria in the vaginal secretion as an indication of a shift of normal bacterial population, thus help to make diagnosis on bacterial vaginosis.
Candida albicans is a fungi which is the causative agent of the second most common type of vaginitis. This fungi can be presented in up to 50% of women without symptoms or complications. Once the body immune system is decreased, this fungi can attack the vaginal surface causing redness, itchy and lesions. A microscopic reading of the vaginal secretion can locate the fungi which is diagnostic of the diseases. However, fungi culture is essential if Candida glabrata is suspected since this fungi is more resistant to general antifungals and a proper antifungal treatment shall be prescribed.
The third common type of vaginitis is casued by Trichomonas vaginalis, a protozoa. This is generally classified as sexually transmitted disease. Anti-protozoa treatment is generally required after confirmation by laboratory by microscopy or Trichomonas antigen test.
There are good source of information provided by CDC and readers are encouraged to visit cdc's website for further information on disease management and prevention.